Another Cocktail

May 2, 2017

“Another one, please,” and the waitress shuffled away to get me another candy-flavored drink.

”Three with lunch is enough,” said Monica, but that was a joke.

”Right you are, my love,” I joked back. We were not a couple, never would be.

”Now you’re just talking crazy,” Bo did not get the joke, and tried to make one of his own. Inferior.

”But why do you want another one?” asked Monica, stressing the word do.

”I’m not sure. Maybe I’m thirsty. Maybe I like the taste. It’s like bubblegum."

"Or maybe it’s the liquor, am I right?” said Bo. “Do anything to get smashed, am I right?"

"Maybe it’s the urgency of having money,” I said. “Subconsciously, I want to spend it all before I die. And the more I spend on liquor, the faster I’m going to die."

"And on drugs,” said Monica. Made me think of a motel room we once shared. There was no sex, but a lot of drugs, and ineptly taken. She was so young back then. Now she removed her enormous sunglasses and looked at me with her deep brown eyes. Circles around the eyes. Wrinkles. So beautiful.

I raised my glass, “Here’s to drugs.”

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk