Best Teacher Ever

March 26, 2015

Mr. White was one of the greatest teachers we knew, but his love for apples made him rather fat so we decided to make the world a better place by destroying him.

We put lard in his briefcase, we made loud noises at night in the boys dormitory, we burned a lock of his hair on the altar of Greed. All to make sure Principal Black gave him the pink slip. But what really did it was when we put strychnine in Mr. White’s coffee. He seemed to taste it a little bit, he made a sour face, like he just ate a lemon, but he either thought he deserved bad coffee, or he simply decided to die. Either way, he was out within six hours.

We celebrated by dancing in front of the big mirror in the music room. Oh la la la la la la laaaah. Oh la! The music was so beautiful.

Alas! The day after that the school already had a new Mr. White. It must have grown him as a defense mechanism against sinister schoolboys. What were we to do? If only we could put strychnine in the school’s coffee.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk