Bowling shirt
“Hey,” the girl sat down next to me at the kitchen table. It was a party and it was 3 am. “Do you bowl?"
"Oh, the shirt?” I said, “No, I thought we were supposed to wear costumes. I’m Jesus from The Big Lebowski."
"I haven’t seen that,” she said and started eating her bowl of ramen noodles. I thought she would start talking to me again, but the pause got awkwardly long and then I could not think of anything to say. All of a sudden, we were beyond the point where I began to look like an inarticulate idiot and nothing I could ever say would make sense.
”So you like ramen, huh?” I said, like an idiot.
She nodded, swallowing a bunch of noodles.
”That’s all I used to eat when I was in college. No money.”
She nodded. Her not answering was making things even worse. And just when I thought nothing could change the situation to my advantage, space locusts attacked the Earth and I became a hero who saved her.
Just kidding, the whole thing never happened. I’m too shy to go to parties.
Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk