Bucket of Razors
Somebody had left a bucket half-full of shaving razors back stage, the old-fashioned kind of razors that you open like a jack knife. I had a lot to do so I just rushed by the bucket a few times, but finally it caught my attention.
”Mikey, do you know who put this here?” I asked and he shrugged. I asked a few other people, but nobody knew.
”Jim,” I said, “Do you know if they are doing a production of the Barber?"
"I don’t think so,” said Jim, “But they are doing Death of a Salesman."
"Are there razors in it?"
"I don’t know.”
He left me alone with the bucket. Immobile, heavy, with razors that were neither new and shiny, nor old and rusty. I crouched by the bucket to take a closer look, but there was nothing more to it.
Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk
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