
May 7, 2017

I entered the room. There was a woman sitting in the armchair, and a cup of coffee on the coffee table. It was a little dark, so it took me a little bit to notice the boy standing in the corner. He was looking angry, staring at the floor a few feet in front of him.

”Hello,” the woman said, “You took your time."

"Yeah, I was,” my response trailed off. I was a little confused. Drunk?

”Don’t worry, honey,” she said and tapped the chair next to her. Very gently, with just the tips of her fingers.

”Erm, the kid?” I said.

She turned her head around, surprised, and looked at the boy. “Timothy, go to your room. Will you, honey?” The boy did not budge. She said to me: “Come on, sit down.”

I moved forward slowly, finding it difficult to hoist my weight with each step. A little drunk, perhaps, but that should make things easier, not harder. I tried a smile. It did not turn out well, but she pretended not to notice. An eternity later, I was ready to sit my ass down next to her.

”I made you wait too long?” I asked, “Maybe I can pour you something to drink?” I said, looking around for a liquor bar, cabinet, or tray.

”No need, honey,” she said, touching the cup on the table, “I like my coffee like I like my men. Irish.” I snickered politely, felt very awkward after. Alcohol should make these things easier! “But would you like anything to drink?” she offered.

”Yeah, a drop wouldn’t kill me,” I said as I collapsed into the chair. She smiled, revealing the beginnings of crow’s feet. Her lips were red and her skin white, her eyes perfect with studied makeup. She had a dignity about her which made things even harder. She smelled familiar. Like a mother, or a teacher.

”I’ll get something right away,” she said, but she lingered, looking me in the eye. I could not decide whether she was being friendly, or judging me.

”Ten, nine, eight,” the boy behind me started counting down, made me jump. I began contemplating the danger of staying in the room.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk