
July 1, 2015

Ella got my attention pretty quickly after I met her and she kept it for quite a while. It was not because she was physically attractive. She was, in a very obvious and non-obvious kind of way. At first glance, she was a beautiful woman. Very proportionally built, with nice hair and a classy wardrobe. She also had a face full of character, and beautiful blue eyes. As I got a chance to look at her more, I discovered she was at the same time weirdly disproportional and out of balance (still talking about looks), like an android designed by aliens to trick people into copulating with it. All the ingredients were there and in the right proportions, but somehow they were put together in the wrong order.

It was just that. Not that they were our of sync with one another or something. You just had a feeling they were put together in the wrong God damned order.

I am a pig, talking about Ella’s body so much, as if she were nothing more than a sex object. I cannot help that, I have been diagnosed with sex addiction and that is a serious condition. Am I telling the truth? Who knows.

Anyway, the thing that got my attention was not Ella’s looks. It was the way she acted. And I am using the word “acted” deliberately, because she seemed like a bad actress in an amateur porn video. She stumbled through her lines (and everything she said seemed like a rehearsed line), she bore a resemblance to someone pretending to be a person, and she often glanced at weird angles, as if looking at the camera briefly and then turning away. Sometimes, if you were walking past her and she was doing something unrelated to you, your eye would linger and then she would glance at you briefly, as if you were the camera.

”How are you, Ella,” I said to her once.

”Fine,” she said, glancing briefly at an odd angle, “Why are you dressed like a plumber? And why is there a mattress on the floor?”

Oh, Ella. She was so crazy.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk