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August 29, 2014

Eating poisonous fish was the last thing he ever did. It was the end of a very eventful night which started with a bungee jump. He went to the peer with his friends where somebody had set up a tall crane you could jump off of. After much hesitation, he did.

”You know me, Dory, I am not much for extreme sports. I guess I value my survival too much,” he said.

But then one hour after it was done he realized all he could think about was that rush. He said so to his friends with whom he was drinking beers at the time, and he made them get up and get back to the peer in search of more attractions.

There was some scuba diving, but he did not enjoy that. It was too benign. He wanted to get into deep sea diving, but the guy told him it took a few weeks to get a license.

”I might not be alive in a few weeks,” he said to the guy.

So he went downtown and picked a fight with a scary-looking local cutthroat. He beat the guy up and left him in the street. Then he stole a car and drove to Chinatown. He had sex with a prostitute and then robbed a bank with a gun he stole from her. He gambled all that money away within the following two hours and ended up at a Japanese restaurant.

”This fish is very poisonous,” said the restaurant owner, “You can only eat a small fragment of it. And only if it had been killed properly, you see? Otherwise, the venom gets into your blood and you die.”

At first, the owner refused to serve him the entire fish, but the gun convinced him. So our hero was eating the poisonous fish whole when all of a sudden the cutthroat he beat up showed up with his tattooed friends. Guns were drawn and our hero was shot dead.

They missed him in the realtors’ meeting the following morning.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk

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