Last Stop

May 8, 2012

Vinnie woke up as the bus was pulling into the bay. It was the last stop by the College of Mt St Vincent, just outside Bronx, dead empty at this time of night and it was the last bus.

”Sir, you have to get off,” he heard the driver’s tired voice from the loudspeaker.

Vinnie got off into the blue lamplight and looked up at the black sky. As the bus pulled away, he wished he could be home right now.

His cellphone rang. He picked up without looking who it was.

”Vinnie, where are you?” she sounded angry.

”I’ll be home soon. Don’t worry.”

A black car stopped nearby. Then it started moving forward slowly.

”I gotta go. Go to sleep,” he hesitated for a second, “I love you."

"I love you too,” he heard as he was putting the phone away.

A young man in a track suit got out of the car. A kid who should probably be at school the next day. There was anger on the kid’s face as he strode forward. Vinnie waited patiently.

”That’s for being a fucking rat,” said the kid as he was raising a gun.

”I’ll see you in hell,” said Vinnie.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk