Let's Race!

April 23, 2015

It was a sunny day and there were lots of people by the river, friends picnicking, painters kissing their models, seniors sitting on benches, athletes whooshing by on bicycles, longboards, and segways.  Me? I was just walking home, enjoying a few beams of sunlight and thinking about what I had read recently. Apparently, if you drop more than ten feet with a noose tied around your neck, you have a good chance of being decapitated. The chance grows the more you drop until about twenty feet where it drastically diminishes and your chances of dying are pretty small.

Suddenly, two girls ran past me screaming “Let’s race!”

They stopped a few paces ahead of me and turned back, walking slowly, laughing.

”He did not want to race us,” said one of them.

I did not know they were inviting me to race with them, otherwise I would have joined. I felt embarrassed, so I just smiled and continued on, wondering whether they had chosen me, or I was simply there.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk