Liberal Services

September 3, 2015

The young man was wearing a colorful bow tie and shirt. He had a bluetooth headset on and was holding a clipboard, very lower-management like. “Now, Mr. White,” he said to the well-to-do gentleman who was with him, “Let’s take a look at our call center, shall we?”

They entered a large room filled with cubicles. In each cubicle there was a colorful individual wearing interesting clothes, sporting an interesting haircut, showing off surprising tattoos. They stopped by one cubicle to listen in.

”Liberal services, how may I help you? Yes, ma’am, please do… No, ma’am… Yes, I believe the feeling you are describing should be referred to sadness, or, in more technical terms, melancholy. Please, do not feel like it is something wrong. Here’s what I can offer you: we can send a poet, a painter, a sculptor, or a theatrical person to you house so they can help you work through these feelings and incorporate them into your emotional landscape, so to speak… Yes, ma’am, could be a dancer. Let me ask you a few questions so I can see if you are a visual person, or an auditory person, or what kind of person you are.”

The young man smiled at Mr. White and gestured for him to follow. They walked down into a cozy conference room with a couple of sofas and sat down. “Now you have a better idea what we do, Mr. White. Next, let me tell you about our mission. See, in today’s world we are all about building better solar panels to get more energy, or developing more efficient ways to produce this and that, or curing cancer so we can live long and healthy lives. That is all well and good, but we have found our spirits, or our minds, to suffer.

”Being punctual all the time. Being productive all the time. Being happy and attractive all the time… That takes a toll. And our spirits, or minds, cannot keep up, so we as a society, developed psychotherapy and psychology, and a whole range of sciences to help the spirit. We made this whole process so rigorous and controlled that it could not fail. We made the healing of the mind an industry.

”Meanwhile, universities produce thousands upon thousands of art graduates every year and all they are good for in today’s world is either designing websites, or brewing coffee. Here at Liberal Services, we decided to take a different approach. We know that arts students have spent a lot of time and money studying ways to understand life and to portray beauty. So, we hire them to help our clients with their problem with life and beauty.”

The young man smiled and put his clipboard away.

”Now, Mr. White, let us talk about your anxiety. So your son is an English major with a focus on French Medieval poetry?”

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk