None of This Junk!

July 18, 2014

The distant future, the year 20XX, night time in a large city. Jeremy was walking down the street briskly, his buttocks clenched. All around him people’s faces reeled like a spectacle from hell. All the human depravity possible, violence and apathy meant nothing to him, he had a pain of his own. He was shaking, aching, trembling, longing.

A man appeared in his way. Shady, murky, a large puffy jacket, a cap and shades (it was still night time). The man was secretive.

”Private rooms with seating,” he said, using the street code.

”No,” said Jeremy, walking on.

”Come on man, I know you’re aching. I see you here every night. For you it’s fifty.”

Jeremy knew how it was going to end. He handed the man a rumpled bill and a few minutes later he was squeezing into a tiny space. White tiles on the wall, a strong chemical smell, a cold porcelain bowl. Jeremy pulled his pants down, collapsed onto the seat and let it all go.

For a brief moment, he was in paradise. He was free. He was a little boy again, innocent and pure. The whole world was his toilet and he could relieve himself anytime he needed to.

He snapped back to reality to the sound of a helicopter above.

”Attention, citizens,” a booming voice said, “You are reminded that defecation is strictly prohibited by the Clean Up Your Act Act of 20XX. All defecating citizens will be placed in corrective facilities for water education, mountain of flesh education, and other types of education. Remember the words of our great leader—“

The voice slowly faded as the helicopter passed overhead and Jeremy was left alone in the silence. He hid his face in his hands and cried a desperate cry. The cry of a barbarian among society. The cry of guilt.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk