The Place Part 12

July 22, 2017

This is a note of mine I found. I am putting it here, because I wrote it after we got out of there.

I did some reading. The extra dimensions from string theory are curled up next to the ones we see, and they are very tiny. Too tiny to be detectable with conventional means. I think that also means they are too tiny to hide a whole new world.

The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics says that all possibilities have their realization in parallel realities. A whole new myriad of realities is spawned each time we come to a fork in an event - it could either go this way, or this way. Well, it goes both ways. And people say this means there’s a world where I decided to grow a mustache and one where I decided to grow a beard. But there are also billions of worlds where the electron went this way, or that way. Billions. So even if we could travel between these worlds, what are the odds we would arrive in one where weird people co-exist with weird mechanisms and potential sons are realized from a visceral mist?


All the other matter density mambo-jumbo is just ridiculous. I think the mist made me outgrow the limitations my brain used to have. I suspect some sort of developmental problem was in place, or perhaps a degree of autism. Well, now I can see.

I hope I stay this way.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk