The Prude

December 11, 2012

They were kissing and he could tell she was getting hot and wet. Or at least he was hoping she was, because he was ready to tear all her clothes off. But she whispered “No, I’m not that kind of girl. Please, let’s not do anything tonight. Okay? I’m sorry.”

He learned to accept it over the next few weeks. Until one night, they were about to go out, she was getting ready, and he was sitting at her desk, just waiting. He picked up a book. It was Naked Lunch. He read a few paragraphs and thought he has to read the whole thing one day because it is awesome. Then he opened her laptop.

He was a cunning computer operator, so he ran a search on all videos, including hidden files, and found something that looked promising. He turned the volume down to make sure she does not hear.

It was porn. Amateur, the picture was grainy, the shot was constant, like the cam was on a bedpost. A girl in a blonde wig being fucked doggy style. He smiled, so everybody watches this kind of stuff. But then he realized it was her. It was the girl who was taking a shower across the hall.

There were a few dozen videos like that in the search results. Suddenly, he realized he was not handsome, not very good in bed (not that she would know!), and not particularly desirable in general. For a dark dark minute, he felt like his life was completely over.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk