Two Creatures at the End of Time

May 17, 2017

“Hello? There is someone here, isn’t there?” the lonely creature quickened with excitement.

”Yes,” a shy voice responded.

”I can’t believe it! I have been alone all this time. I thought I was the last person in the Universe."

"That is what I thought about myself,” said the other creature, still hidden from the senses. “How did you know I was here?"

"I am very intuitive. Why do you hide?"

"I am shy. Cautious. That’s why I have lived this long."

"Then why come here? I have lights and sounds, and other things that tell the world I am here. Surely, you knew you would find me here."

"Yes,” said the shy creature, “But I thought you would be long dead."

"Oh my, that’s disconcerting. Do you need resources?"

"No, I do not need any."

"You don’t need my resources, but you still come to my house, even though you expect me to be dead? Why?"

"I was curious,” said the shy creature, “I wanted to see if I could learn anything about how you lived."

"You can learn all that and more. From me."

"Oh,” the shy creature sounded hollow. Was that disappointment, or irritation at the obvious?

”What’s your name?"

"Oh, I cannot remember,” said the shy creature. “I did not have to use it for a long time."

"My name is Pierce,” said Pierce. “You see, a name is nothing more than what you call yourself. You can choose a new one.”

The shy creature kept quiet for a little bit, probably thinking. “No, I don’t want a name. Having no name keeps me more secret."

"I see,” said Pierce, and then he had a realization, “Say, how do I know you are really here? Maybe I am lonely and my mind is playing tricks on me."

"How can I show you I am really here?” said the shy creature.

”You can show yourself."

"No, I won’t do that. Not yet."

"Oh. Then you can tell me something I don’t know."

"Then let me tell you about when there were three of us. We lived together, talked and played. We explored, although there isn’t much left to explore, and devoted ourselves to interesting things. But then an anomaly of some sort happened near our house and brought a new shape with it. It looked like a living thing, but was not alive. The eyes were all wrong. It made us really scared, so we huddled together. Then our house quaked and shook and trembled, and my dear friend fell into the void to die. And then the other dear friend fell too. I knew they would have no means of returning and I would be alone now. I was also afraid of the thing near the house. I really considered jumping after them. I knew I would not catch up with them, but at least I would die and not be alone anymore.”

Pierce kept very quiet, waiting for the rest of the story. Did not move a muscle, worried he might suddenly scare the shy creature and it would leave. But the creature did not continue for a while, so he took the risk and said: “And then what happened?"

"I discovered a way to travel, so I left my house and I found you."

"I thought it was not possible."

"I thought so too."

"Do you think there are others?”

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk

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