
April 20, 2018

“How are ya, Dick?” Gregory approached me at the watercooler.

”Quite all right,” I said, “Good meeting?”

Gregory rolled his eyes and mimicked a man hanging himself. “Boooring!” he shouted from beyond the closed eyes of death.

”So nothing new on the horizon for humanity?"

"Same old. Gas people in FEMA concentration camps, spray more chemtrails to limit their fertility and intelligence, keep pretending the Earth is a globe… Oooh!” he jumped up in excitement, “There’s one thing!"

"Well, tell me then."

"Old man hinted at possibly another nine-eleven."

"Oh, I like those,” I said, excitement rising. I really did enjoy the high body count.

”Yeah, but there’s an ‘if’. The reptilians have to keep Putin-bot on a short leash, and you know what they are like."

"Sheesh, tell me about it."

"Anyway,” he said, “I have to go now. There’s a kid in Montana who built an Orgon detector and he can track our weather gun. I’ll see you tonight?"

"Whisky and cigars,” I said.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk