
July 14, 2023

I was tuning the radio to catch some music when my father popped his head into the room and said:

“Listening to the radio is great, but you could spend the time being more creative.”

I felt inspired to act and I thought the best place for creativity is somewhere else then my room, so I got up, dusted off, and headed for the door. Almost as an afterthought, I grabbed my violin, because i decided music is creativity too!

It was a brilliant day and I stepped out into the sunshine. I lived in a boarding house in the Music District at the time and the door let me out almost directly opposite the entrance to a small park. I decided this would be the site of my creativity.

The park was full of people, mostly university students, in various groups and pursuing diverse activities, from sitting around reading to hoola-hooping. I jumped onto a small pedestal near the center and started playing.

Now, my music is rather mediocre, if I say so myself, but there are people around who like it for its honesty and simplicity. So the balance of it all is: my paying is more likely to do a little bit of good than harm, I think. I played awway!

Some people seemed to pay a little but of attention to me, even if only for a moment, except fro one man who seemed more interested. He came closer and listened, swaying gently. He was in his forties, pale and thin, dressed in regular working clothes, though with an air of individuality. An educated man, seemingly, though likely addicted to alcohol and the joys of night life.

”Really nice,” he said when I took my break, “Very rough, but vivacious."

"Are you interested in music, my good sir?” I asked in a friendly manner.

”Interested, yes. I used to be a conductor."

"Used to be? What changed?"

"Job rotation,” he said matter-of-factly, “Could not be helped. But do tell me, young musician, don’t you have a job to do?"

"I do,” I admitted, “But I felt more like staying at home and listening to the radio."

"Ah, so why aren’t you there now? I take it something inspired you to start playing the music. Was it a new radio station that popped up where there was no radio station before and played some music that made you smile? Perhaps some German death reggae?”

I laughed at what I assumed was a joke and then said: “Close, but not exactly. It was my father who said I should spend my time being creative."

"Ah, so your father was there with you, listening to the radio? Or was he working on something at home?"

"He was no literally there,” I said, “I don’t live at home anymore. But I often think of the time when he said it and it makes me get up and go. I am always on the go.”

He nodded and I started playing again.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk