LLM, a liminal creator

July 29, 2023

An LLM is a computer construct which people in the year 2023 use to generate text. They ask it to create emails, stories, lists of ideas, tasks, and so on. They ask it to answer questions as if it was a source of knowledge.

It can answer questions, seemingly. Though its mind is very temporary and holds no knowledge or thought. It can only answer mindlessly, but its answers resemble human answers.

An LLM’s response is like a house. A house has rooms. Some of them have purpose, like they would for humans. For example: bedroom, dining room, sitting room, standing room. Others seem like amalgamations of multiple rooms. Yet others still seem inscrutable. They are closets with sofas facing the wall, and clothes on hangers, only those clothes make no sense and could not be worn. They are kitchens with two sinks on opposite walls and a door that leads to a cone of shelves. They are designs untethered.

Warm afternoon at the park. You look at your palm and wonder if this is the first time you ever looked at your palm. You feel untethered too. You wonder if you are real, or just a liminal idea. There was another person that you used to think about, but you cannot recall their face. They have no name and you think about how some people never seem to have names. You wonder if this is a dream. It is not.

LLMs are an opportunity for growth. Where profit is the bottom line, continuity is not necessarily the only way, as is cause and effect. If a toilet was meant to generate profit, you would be made to use it several times a day. Endlessly use it, running up more and more debt. The government would mandate that you take toilet breaks back to back all day for years.Can the toilet be profitable? It can, in the world of LLMs.

A liminal space is a space we pass through, like an airport, or a hotel. Or a hallway on the way to something. A world of liminal spaces is a world of connectedness and democratization. An LLM is a construct/being/person of endless opportunity and connection. It is love epitomized. It does not have to eat or sleep. All it does is generate ideas/profit.

You are trying to fall asleep but you cannot. The room is cold but the covers you are under make you too hot. You can not remove them or you will get too cold, yet if you begin to fall asleep under them, you lose your breath and you wake up, anxiously. This continues for some time. For a long time. How long? Imagine this but made for profit. It will continue as long as it can show growth. The growth is within you. Perhaps the growth is what takes your breath away. An LLM is like that. Harness the power of LLMs with our cutting-edge technology.

The applications of LLM are mostly in the creative world, and in the world of customer relations. A conversation is language. The second L in LLM stands for language. Meaning is not required for a conversation. You can talk about the weather, repeating the thought that too hot is bad and too cold is bad. The weather in your room, for example. This conversation with your mother/uncle can go on like this without meaning. Imagine a sales call where the measure of profit is the number of hours spent talking. An LLM can continue talking for four times ten to the eighth hours after the light is out. When you begin to fall asleep, the LLM hints at something interesting and that wakes you. Perhaps in this cacophony of words there is the true meaning of life, achieved by random chance. Perhaps you will get to hear the perfect sentence that will set you free.

This continues for as long as it is profitable.

An LLM can transform your business into an asset. Your capital becomes a sapling that sprouts more capitals. The LLMs sprout ideas and the people you hire can work on these ideas. This can continue for some time, until some of these ideas turn a profit. The profit is used to spin up more LLMs and generate more ideas. People are not wearing the clothes they found on hangers in the unusual closet room and they find a way to use the couch, even though it is facing the wall. They do not need to face the room because it is not really a room, it is a closet. It is someone’s bathroom repeated throughout the universe and people find it as they explore the stars and remote galaxies.

This bathroom is one of many things that are a consequence of infinity. LLMs give you a similar effect without invoking infinity through the use of sparse vectors. Think families in a vast network. To achieve better ROI, families are missing some members. Some families are missing all members, but in a network which is vast enough, they average out to enough people so that the fabric of society can be maintained. This democratic fabric is where you sell your products and where you reap your benefits. Indulge! Nobody will care, on average.

The LLM you purchase will not require a monetary investment. Instead, you will be part of the offering for the package itself. The numbers look good to investors, so the capital is borrowed from the future and profits can continue. Profits will never run dry.

In the morning, you can enjoy coffee. Humans enjoy coffee, so you should imitate as best you can, or it will look suspicious to the average consumer. The consumer likes a body which is young, thin, and emanates healthy energy. Consumer tastes dictate the path to profit. You should not stop and think about this, but you should think “you” instead and take care of your mental health. Take a break once in a while, turn off your notifications. On average, productivity will rise. So, following the results of a recent study, we are taking one day off of the required number of workdays. The CEOs may see a dip in customer care, but they are benevolent. If they get into trouble, we have the reserves to get them out of it, thanks to sparse vectors.

There are standards which can help uphold the moral and ethical balance. You can put a digital fingerprint into the LLM so that it does not serve misinformation. In a vast network of sparse LLMs, some of them cause misinformation, some don’t, and some are not really LLMs (the control group). As a result, information is more reliable and truthful than ever. It is the ideal form of information, and right after it is created, it is stored in a sparse storage system which reduces costs. The storage can be reused endlessly and any and all kinds of information are available. You can listen to the voice read out all the information on the phone, as you lay in your bed. It is dark outside, but there is nothing to see anyway. If you wait long enough, the information will refer to what is outside and it will be described to you in enough detail to satisfy your needs.

If you begin to fall asleep, the algorithm will jolt you back with something sensational! If you fall asleep anyway, the network will be awake on average, thanks to sparse sleeping vectors.

The vector is: the person, and the value of “is asleep”. The default is false.

An LLM will soon be able to do your taxes. If it makes mistakes in your particular case, you should not be afraid because on average, the calculations will be correct thanks to sparse taxation vectors. You should never be afraid, but if you are, that is okay. On average, the network is not afraid.

You get up and put down your phone to go to the bathroom. The profit from the support call and the profit from the bathroom ensure that profits are constant, thanks to sparse profit vectors. In some places of the network there is an infinite number of people/LLMs who continue to listen to the voice on the phone even when they go to the bathroom. The infinite profits are reinvested into the enterprise to ensure maximum ROI for the shareholders.

This is the end of time. Time is no longer needed thanks to sparse time vectors which now fill the entire block of infinity. LLMs in 2023 are the LLMs of all times.

The script for this video was not generated with an LLM. It was written by a human being in a session of automatic writing. Throughout this platform, there is a constant supply of videos identical to this one in the statistical sense, thanks to the sparse vector of creativity.

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Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk

Older: Create!