
October 21, 2015

I calculated that I wash my hands, on average, seven times a day. That is why I have seven paper towels in my bathroom. I use one each time I wash my hands and then I hang it up to dry. By the time I start a new seven the next morning, all seven are dry again.

But my friend knows a better trick. He is a famous writer who has chosen to mentor bloggers anonymously. He posts comments on their blogs using the Socratic method (no answers, only questions) and coaxes greatness out of them. What is in it for him? He gets wonderful writing online without paying for books.

But that is nothing still. My aunt invented a way to generate free electricity from the tree in her backyard. She will not reveal her secret to me, but the fact of the matter is: she has jumper cables plugged into the tree, the cables go into a black box and then another set of cables go from the black box to her main power line. Her power bills are always zero. I’ve seen a full drawer of zero-value bills in her kitchen going back twelve years.

Better yet, a guy I know posted his phone number encrypted into a story online. Give him a call to gain life eternal, the best lifehack of all.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk