Working Before the Holidays

December 22, 2015

The office was not as busy before the holidays, because we did not want to start any new projects. Mark came up with the idea of office poetry, and he started with a haiku: “Fingers tapping gently on keyboards like raindrops on the roof.” He wrote it on the whiteboard.

Everybody liked the idea and got their creative gears turning. Debbie was second, and she wrote on the donuts using icing: “You will eat them, bringing yourself one step closer to Heaven.” Mark said it was deep and the others agreed. I thought it was a little morbid, but I held my tongue.

Jim wrote: “I would like to kiss your cheek and say Merry Christmas, but there are many reasons why you would not like me to.” It was on post-it notes on the window. I read it over and over.

Duncan wrote the word “excrement” repeatedly on the table using some kind of chocolate mousse. Somebody said it was interesting but we did not look at it too much. Duncan looked disappointed.

They all turned to me. “Well,” they all said together, “What are you going to write?” I rubbed my head and crumpled over a piece of paper. On my desk. So pristine.

Posted by: Paweł Kowaluk

Newer: Humans